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Zoroastrianism: Myth vs Reality

Zoroastrianism: Myths vs Realities

With an open mind, seek and listen to all the highest ideals. Consider the most enlightened thoughts. Then choose your path, person by person, each for oneself.

Ashu Zarathushtra (Zoroaster)

My Journey to know Ashu Zarathustra

Zoroastrianism: Myth vs Reality, I was nine years old the first time I heard about Zoroastrians. We were guests at a family friend’s house in Tehran. I noticed a calendar on the wall that had different months, days, and images than what I was used to seeing. When I asked the adults about it, they explained that it was a Zoroastrian calendar. On the car ride back home from the party, I asked my parents about Zoroastrians and all I can recall is my father saying: “They are very nice people who never tell lies”.
It’s amazing how little moments like that can stick with you for a lifetime.

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